試驗頻率:0.5Hz; 彎曲角度:15°、20°、25°(25°、45°、90°)3種位置,開關(guān)設(shè)定彎曲角度,4位高亮度LED顯示; 彎曲距離:8~55mm, 精度:±0.1mm; 實驗次數(shù):雙向施力20次和疲勞斷裂試驗。 凈重:10kg 外形尺寸:300×240×240(mm)
All the blood collection needle, acupuncture needle body; Test frequency: 0.5Hz; Bending angle: 15 degrees, 20 degrees, 25 degrees (25 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees) 3 positions, the switch set bending angle, 4 bit high brightness LED display; Bending distance: 8 ~ 55mm, Accuracy: + 0.1mm; Test times: Biaxial force 20 times and fatigue fracture test. Net weight: 10kg Size: 300 * 240 * 240 (mm)
粵公網(wǎng)安備 44190002002627號